IndyCar – 2016 Schedule Drops

After my soggy trip to the United States Grand Prix (write-up forthcoming), I’m taking a sick day.  It’s legitimate, as I was fighting a sinus infection going into the weekend.  Slogging around in cold rain and wind didn’t help, I’m sure. So what happens on my sick day? Verizon IndyCar Series announces their 2016 schedule! About friggin’ time! Although, I think they did it for Robin Miller’s birthday, which happens to be today.  (Happy birthday, fellow curmudgeon!) The #INDYCAR2016 schedule is here! 5 ovals, 5 street courses and 5 road…

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The Missed Shift – Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee!

Robin Miller Fan Club

I have a three year old, so the refrain of “I want!”  and “Gimmee!” is common ’round these parts.  It’s part and parcel for a child of that age, and as a parent I (as well as Mrs. Race Fan) do our best to instill non-materialistic values and quell the desire for instant gratification. Three year olds are extremely resistant to this sort of life lesson. As a middle-aged guy, I have an inner three year old that wants all kinds of things.  OK, more like twelve and not three,…

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IndyCar – RM’s Article, Chicken Little, and Open Rebellion

Wednesday evening, Speed’s Robin Miller released an article hinting strongly that the team owners were on the verge of outright and open rebellion against the 2012 car. I read the article and had to pause to think about the veracity of the claims made within the article, or at the very least the commitment of the team owners mentioned to stick to their stated convictions. Here’s the meat of the allegations as told by Eric Bachelart. “The league decided to do a new car and never consulted the teams and…

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OP-Ed – RE: Miller, Chicago, and Scariness

Robin Miller has long been known as an antagonist and rabble-rouser in American Open-Wheel Racing, but now he’s gone too far. In his article, Miller’s Post-Chicago Notebook at, he calls the current oval-racing product from the IndyCar Series “suicidal.” Personally, that inescapable pack racing scares the hell out of me because of the reality of what can happen. … Indy car racing should be challenging and dangerous, just not suicidal. — Robin Miller Are you serious, Robin? This isn’t some soapbox derby. This is IndyCar Racing! This top level…

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