Rally – L’Estage Wins 100 Acre Wood, Hanson Maintains Championship Lead

FROM: RALLYCAR: Antoine L’Estage and Nathalie Richard have won the 2011 Rally in the 100 Acre Wood after a flawless drive from start to end. L’Estage set a blistering pace early on, winning ten of the event’s fifteen special stages and finishing 17.7 seconds ahead of international rally ace David Higgins. This victory was a particularly sweet one for L’Estage, who celebrated his birthday on Saturday, the second and final day of the rally. Subaru Rally Team USA’s David Higgins and co-driver Craig Drew placed second overall, netting their first…

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Rally – Olympus Rally Preview

It has seemed like a lifetime since the OP crew came back from the 100 AW Rally in Salem MO, but this weekend the Rally America championship finally restarts with round 3 in Washington. Antoine L’Estage and co-driver Nathalie Richard will look to extend their overall championship lead with an overall victory in Washington this weekend. The stages will be tough for Canadian duo as the event will see the cars running up and down the coast for what promises to be a Kodak moment. The stages also house a…

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Rally – Subaru Confirm Pastrana and Mirra

With the bombshell news that Ken Block had joined Ford in a global effort, the question was who would join Travis Pastrana in the other Subaru? Simple answer for the guys at Vermont and Subaru, but is this new pairing going to perform as well? Dave Mirra will now be moved from the super production ranks to join the open class and team with the four time Rally America champion. Mirra who has been waiting for an opening will make now make the jump to America’s top rally flight in…

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