IndyCar – Photos from Infineon Raceway

Joe was fortunate enough to be in Sonoma for the IndyCar race at Infineon Raceway in support of the Racing for Cancer charity. While he was there, he was able to get some great photos for us. Enjoy! FIL and IICS from Infineon

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IndyCar – Photos from the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course

Here are some of the better pics from this weekend’s Firestone Indy Lights and IZOD IndyCar Series events at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. I ended up with a TON of pics from the weekend, and these are just the ones that I picked out after a first cursory glance. Keep checking our photo gallery throughout the rest of the year, and especially during the off-season. One of the things that keeps me going through the winter is going back through my photo archives and searching for images I missed…

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ALMS – Friday Practice and Qualifying Photos

These certainly aren’t all of the pics from today, but I only have my netbook with me and my photo editing resources are very limited. …ok, that’s an excuse. Real reason is that I’m completely beat and worn out! More ALMS photos tomorrow, and a lot of IndyCar photos as well as the IZOD IndyCar Series and the Firestone Indy Lights Series have their qualifications. ALMS Practice and Qualifying from Friday

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