Inside the Helmet – Juan Pablo Garcia

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadIn this edition of our driver interview series, Inside the Helmet, we speak with Juan Pablo Garcia, driver of the #2 Team Moore Racing machine in the Firestone Indy Lights series. Juan Pablo shares with us the story of how he came to see motorsports as a potential career choice as a young karter, his experiences in formula 2000 cars in Mexico, and in A1GP and Formula Renault and other junior formula series in Europe before coming to the US to race in the…

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IndyLights – Juan Pablo Garcia Find a Home at Team Moore Racing

Juan Pablo Garcia has been around the Firestone Indy Lights series for four years now, although his only full-time season was the 2012 season with Jeffery Mark Motorsport. Garcia started racing karts over a decade ago, and moved up to cars in 2004 in the Formula Renault 2000 de America. He won his first race in the series in 2006, although he was unable to contest the full championship season. In the A1GP 2006-2007 season, he drove for Team Mexico in the final two events after which he continued racing…

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