I’d love to have many more photos to, show you than just these, but unfortunately it appears that I’ve experienced one of those dreaded catastrophes that strike every photographer at some point. Memory car failure! I lost all of my wide-angle shots from Fast Friday today. 🙁 CARP! Fortunately, it’s early in the week, and there’s plenty of time to retake those lost shots. At least it didn’t happen on Race Day!
no images were found
I don’t recall having a memory card failure. But I will say that on a slippery, muddy trackside path outside Turn 2 at Barber M.P. I fell three times, banging my D2X hard twice, and it would not behave afterward. I retrieved from my car an older Nikon body in a LowePro pouch to use the remainder of the weekend. Never expected to use the ‘backup’ camera. Glad that I’d brought it.
I didn’t lose any photos due to others’ failings or equipment failure, though. Sorry that you lost your photos.
Did something sort of like that at Mid-Ohio. Leaned my D90/monopod against the fence and it toppled. Cracked the display, but it still functions. The viewfinder display doesn’t, though. That kinda sucks.