A deal to secure the Canadian GP has been made official after the Canadian Government stepped in to secure the race for another five years.
The race which was absent for the first time ever in 2009, has been given a new life and will be back on the calendar for 2010. We heard a lot of the chatter all season as the promoters of the event worked to restore it to the calendar. The plan is for 8.5 million pounds annually for the five year deal. This is only a fraction of the amount asked for by Bernie Ecclestone, however just enough to keep the troll interested. The Canadian GP has been a central part of the F1 calendar since it began and there was serious backlash after the event was removed by fans and teams alike. The kicker for the Canadians is they will also receive 30% of the ticket revenue. This is unheard of in the realm of Bernie, however as we wrote earlier this year, F1 need Canada not the other way around.
Is this the first chink in the troll’s armor?